SEAN BIANCHI GOLDMAN, 11 years-old, has the RIGHT to speak where he wants to live. Where´s U.S. Constitution´s First Emend? Isn´t it his right as an American Citizen?
quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011
Free Ricardo Costa: Countdown
... and I could never imagine "JUSTICE FOR ALL" would be only an empty publicity slogan. Couldn´t you?
quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2011
Free Ricado Costa: so, Arizona Court, are you ready?
It has been 930 days, 4 hours and 23 minutes and 10 seconds since he was arrested in December, 2008.
Are you sure State of Arizona is one of the 50 USA´s States? Because for us, the Third f***** World, Arizona State is in any 3rd world country.... maybe CUBA! Don´t agree with me due the bunch of unlegal latin brown immigrants living in Arizona, speaking spanish and "stealing jobs from the good and honest American people"; It´s better you don´t agree.
You Americans are ALWAYS telling to the world CUBA is a country where there´s no room for FREEDOM and JUSTICE. But Arizona State looks like it´s in CUBA, not in USA.
Your judges, your therapist, his crazy b*** ex-wife and your D.A.s, they all trapped Ricardo on jail under false acusations.
Oh, maybe in Orlando, Florida on summer vacations to spend some time on the beach and drinking a bunch of margueritas. But "the Justice for all" was called to pronounce CASEY ANTHONY as "innocent", when even all the Arizona´s rocks have learned a long time ago that she killed CAYLEE, her 2 years-old daughter.
terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011
Flight 1907: My chap Bob...
I am sorry, my chap Bob, but I can see another reason to say that USA is becoming a more and more infamous country". Do you want to know why?
In your State New Jersey, there´s an airtaxi company called EXCELLAIRE. This company bought a couple of Embraer executive jets (and, my chap Bob, most of Embraer´s equipments, specially on the cockpit are AMERICANS).
Are you going to say "So what?!?", Bob?
Yeah, Bob, go ahead and keep readin´ it....
Anyway, to make short the story: one of the Executive jets bought by EXCELLAIRE, a shining EMBRAER LEGACY took off from SJC airport in São José dos Campos, State of São Paulo, a couple of passengers, including an ExcellAire representative, an Embraer sales manager and a New York Times alleged journalist called JOE SHARKEY, plus pilot JOSEPH LEPORE and co-pilot JEAN PAUL PALLADINO. In that day, 2006, october 29th, a couple of hours later, flying with the SAFETY anti-collision system TURNED OFF (brand: Honeywell, American), the shining Legacy hitted a commercial aircraft from GOL airlines (Brazilian airlines), that had took off from Manaus Airport an hour and a half before the accident. This "accident" killed 154 people and among them, FIVE children. It was 05:00 P.M., Brasilia time zone.
Is that okay for you, my chap Bob? None of the children are your grandchildren, right? Good for you, terrible for the 154 victims families!
On the last 4 1/2 years, all that those victims´ families can do is mourn their children, parents, husbands, wives, friends, uncles, aunts, cousins, cousines. They delivered to GOL airlines their parents alive and kicking, full of joy, hopes, expectations, lives to be lived; ExcellAire gave them back to their families into pieces, desfigured corpses inside caskets.
Ooooooops! Can you figure it out, my chap Bob? If you can´t, try to remember those people falling from WTC building. Believe me, SAME THING. Or worst.
At least, your former President got an excuse to blast two countries on Middle East. Down here, the Flight 1907 victims´ families watched Lepore and Palladino arriving in New Jersey being welcome as `heroes´. Heroes of what? They saved their own asses and killed 154 people! Don´t put the blame on Brazilian Justice, my chap Bob!
Put the blame on your Embassy that pushed the Brazilian Justice to give a "Habeas Corpus" to those morons and find the right Brazilian politicians jerks to promote an Air Traffic chaos in the Brazilian airports.
Okay, sweetie, you may not believe on me, but you may believe in the two morons´ words.
The following it´s a Brazilian TV show called "Domingo Espetacular" from Rede Record. You may wait until 2:33" to listen to them. First, you´ll have them talking about the FMS flight system.
One of them, says: "I have to read the book". Would you rely your life on someone that says `I have to read the book´?!? He supposed to have read the Goddamm book BEFORE flying!!!!!
On 02:47", we learn they didn´t know where´s Manaus, their stop before crossing the Caribbean before reaching USA. On 03:10", THE prove: Palladino asks to Lepore if "he wants (the TCAS) on or off". Answer? "Uhh, you can leave it off... I guess" . Geez!!! Were they pilotting a stove or a last generation executive jet?
...And, so on.
FAA considers that Mo and Larry are "harmless". Mo keeps flying on ExcellAire while Larry is pilotting to AMERICAN AIRLINES. Do you also think they are harmless, my chap Bob? Think better and don´t rely your life and your family´s lives on their nonsense. Demand FAA cancel their licenses!
The Three Stooges were funny because they were 3. Two Stooges can cause lots of troubles, kill people and leave A WHOLE COUNTRY heartbroken. However, Curly is the (wrong) word guy...
sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011
Excel Aire & GOL Flight 1907: The blues and the anxiety
Translation: "If the flight plan could have be respected, 152 people would be alive. #voo1907. We cry for Justice. Maximum penalty to the American pilots!!!!!!"
Can you imagine how Easter was to someone that lost her husband on a such stupid plane crash? Can you imagine how it´s raising her only child that (for some reason the science can´t explain without asking help for the religion), when she was 4, told to her teacher: "my dad´s gone" in the exactly moment her dad´s plane ws falling from the sky, in the middle of the Amazon jungle?
Can you imagine live for the last 5 years waiting to see the Justice being done, waiting to see the responsible for your terrible loss being arrested and loosing their pilot licenses?
My dears, the families of 154 victims are waiting for the last 5 years to see Excel Aire, Jean Paul Paladino and Joseph Lepore being punished by their arrogance or ignorance. They deserve punishment, so the 154 victims can rest in peace and their families can restart their lives.
Think about it and support 190 million victims. Click on the button above to learn more.
sábado, 23 de abril de 2011
...And Justice for ALL. Are you kidding????
The differences between them: she´s a criminal, clearly violatting Court´s orders. He´s an innocent man arrested under false accusations. She is free, after posting USD 75,000 as bond and he´s still in prision due his "lack of money". His bail: USD 75,000,000. Any other difference?
Lindsay Lohan released from jail after posting $75,000 bondBy Alan Duke, CNNApril 23, 2011 6:42 a.m. EDT
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Lindsay Lohan, accused of stealing a necklace, spent five hours in custody before posting a $75,000 bond Friday evening after a judge sentenced her to 120 days in jail for violating her drunk driving probation.
Tomorrow is Easter´s sunday and when Linday Lohan, a bad model of person, celebrity, woman, Citizen will be free, an innocent man at Arizona State called RICARDO COSTA will spend next sunday praying, begging to God Light up Arizona´s Justice´s minds so he will be able to prove his innocence on the false sex abuse charges against his kids. This man is a good Citizen, a good professional and a good dad to his kids.
Please, read the following article from
Ricardo Costa waits 2 years for trial, bail
Friday, 04 February 2011 00:00
Written by Mark Lineberger
The right to a speedy trial is supposed to be one of the foundations of the American justice system. Unfortunately, the nature of that system sometimes means the courts can’t always deliver on that promise.
That’s been something Ricardo Costa has learned firsthand.
Costa, formerly a Sedona resident and more recently a resident of the Yavapai County Detention Center in Camp Verde, was arrested and incarcerated Dec. 19, 2008.
Costa, now 38, had gone to the courthouse to try and work out some financial issues regarding his then-recent divorce when he was arrested and charged with multiple counts of molesting and sexually abusing his own children.
The case has continued since then through a series of delays. Several of the charges were dropped, Costa’s defense attorney Bruce Griffen said, and new charges were brought against him as the case developed.
Costa’s case has moved through the system under different judges and jurisdictions as the months marched on. Griffen said it’s unusual for a defendant to be behind bars for so long waiting for a trial.“It’s been one thing after another,” Griffen said. “It’s just dragged on and on.”
The courts will ultimately determine Costa’s guilt or innocence of committing these crimes of which he stands accused. Costa, however, maintains his innocence; his friends and supporters say Costa has refused plea deals that would have allowed him to get out of jail at the cost of his record.
At a hearing in Yavapai County Superior Court on Tuesday, Feb. 1, Costa said he is determined to see this matter through to trial where he hopes to ultimately be exonerated.
The hearing in Judge Tina Ainley’s courtroom was packed with friends and a few family members looking to offer their moral support and testify on Costa’s behalf.
While no trial date has yet been set, the purpose of the hearing was to determine if Costa is eligible for bail, after being locked up for two years.
A major point at issue is Article Two, Section 22 of the Arizona Constitution, which spells out certain criminal accusations that make a defendant ineligible for bail. Those include “capital offenses, sexual assault, sexual conduct with a minor under 15 years of age or molestation of a child under 15 years of age when the proof is evident or the presumption great.”
Since the original charges against Costa were filed, he’s also now being charged with continuous sexual abuse of a child, a charge the defense argues isn’t specifically listed among the crimes spelled out in that particular section of the constitution.
Prosecutor Joe Butner argued the charge still legally meets the constitutional requirement for prohibiting bail.
If the court rules in the state’s favor, the defense is hoping to pin Costa’s pretrial freedom on the clause requiring the proof against him is evident and the “presumption great.”
After the hearing, Griffen told a group of Costa’s supporters he feels the evidence is shaky at best and thinks he can eventually make a convincing argument to allow the court to release Costa on bail.
Several of Costa’s friends, who met them through his children’s schools, his tennis groups and through his work as a contractor, testified they would not only help post his bail if the court so granted, but would offer Costa a place to stay while waiting for trial. Costa’s friends painted him as a loving father they would trust around their own children. Every witness called by the defense testified the charges against Costa were completely inconsistent with the behavior of the man they’ve come to know over the years.
“I would trust him,” said Giselle Collette, who used to carpool to take Costa’s children to school and whose families became friends. “I’ve offered him the house; I wouldn’t think twice.”
Costa is a Brazilian citizen with a permanent green card allowing him to work and live in the United States. Costa told the court he’d be more than willing to surrender his passport and stay in either the Sedona area or in San Diego with family members until the trial begins.
Costa said he’d abide by any additional conditions of release the court might demand if the judge sees fit to give him the chance to post bail.
“This is where my kids are,” Costa said. “This is where I want to stay.”
The prosecution will certainly present its own evidence against Costa, but the court day ended before they had a chance. Ainley continued the hearing to Friday, Feb. 11.
In the meantime, Costa’s friends and family continue to stand by him, hoping to see him get his day in court. Costa is currently in solitary confinement, said his brother, Rafael Costa, after he was reportedly threatened by another inmate. The brothers still try to talk almost daily on the phone, Costa said.
“He was getting ready to come stay with me to start a new job the very next day after he was arrested,” Costa said.
On a Court Audience last April, Judge Tina R. Ainley stipulated a bail for Ricardo: USD 75 million. Yes, you read it right: USD 75,000,000!
Let´s compare to others bails stipulated:
Linday Lohan: USD 75,000 (0,1% of Ricardo´s bail)
Michael Jackson: USD 3,000,000 (8% of Ricardo´s bail)
Bernard Madoff (Wall Street´s mega investor, the guy who bankrupted Worldwide´s economic System): USD 10,000,000 (13% of Ricardo´s bail)
Don´t you think there´s something at least WEIRD in the U.S. Justice? The saying "JUSTICE FOR ALL" should be understood as JUSTICE FOR ALL, INCLUDING AN INNOCENT BRAZILIAN CITIZEN WITH GREEN CARD". Not only for Lohan, Jackson and Madoff....
To learn more about Ricardo Costa´s case, please visit: and also, please, send a support twitt to #FreeRicardoCosta
terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011
Flgiht 1907: Yes, we support the victims´ families!
Lives of hundreds of American Citizens are also in jeopardy with Lepore and Paladino pilotting planes! If they did once, they can do twice!!!! They have killed 154 people including FIVE CHILDREN... only because they didn´t know how to fly that "thing".
Please, if you have ever learned about this tragedy and you´re another American Citizen ashamed of these two "pilots" like thousand others American Citizens, NOW click on the LOGO to support the victims´ families:
sábado, 2 de abril de 2011
Do you believe in PROMISES?
In this article, there´s the news on DAVID GOLDMAN´S book, called "A father´s love", and it´ll be released by Viking Books. Before you run to buy your issue, read the article until the end - if you believe that PROMISES HAVE TO BE KEPT.
In the botton of the text, you can read that DAVID GOLDMAN had made a promise to Sean´s Brazilian grandma, Mrs. Silvana Bianchi:
‘I will not do to you what you have done to me’
Down here, we have an old saying: "DON´T MAKE PROMISES YOU CAN´T KEEP".
Did he want to make Sean calm with all the situation himself promototed? Maybe. He did a sincere promise to Mr. Silvana and to Sean? NO!
The key to solve this problem is being rumble. He isn´t being rumble. He´s being greedy.
USD 202,000 is too much money for a simple visitation; Demanding Mrs. Silvana leaving her Brazilian passport at the Monmouth DP to visit Sean is an ABSURD; demanding the payment for eight (8) therapist appointments (USD 38,000, can you believe how expensive can be 8 hours at a therapist? In Brazil, it´s cheaper and you can get better results than morbid obesity on 10 years-old child!)
domingo, 27 de março de 2011
Guanabara Soccer Cup 2011
Flamengo x Madureira (16:00; Claudio Moacyr Stadium)
Fluminense x Vasco ( 18:30h, Engenhão Stadium)
To learn more, in Portuguese, click here:
sábado, 26 de março de 2011
OAB: Foundation seems to follow the kind of human rights applied in Guantanamo
"For the entity, it is necessary, regardless where the child is, family members can exercise their visitation rights freely without having to submit to rules or constraints designed to prevent unreasonable that there is a simple contact between the Brazilian family and the child" said the chairman of OAB, emphatizing that the entity isn´t defended the family A or B, since the struggle is already judicialized.
The Criticism on OAB were made by the Foundation when OAB asked to the president Rousseff would intercede with the U.S. president, Barack Obama, to make possible to the boy´s maternal grandparents - he lives in the United States - could see him.
Sean Goldman was the subject of dispute since his mother, Bruna Bianchi, brought him to Brazil in 2004. Bruna died in 2008 and the Supreme Court granted an injunction to Sean returned to the U.S. to live with her father.
An U.S. court has denied requests for visitation issued by the Brazilian grandparents.
For further informations, here it´s the original version (in Portuguese):
Sean Bianchi Goldman has a Brazilian Birth Record issued in Oct 06th, 2000, at the Brazilian Consulate in NYC. This means he is a DUAL CITIZEN Brazilian and American.
To register her son at the Brazilian Consulate, Bruna Bianchi had to show Sean´s U.S. Birth Record (where it´s David Goldman´s name in there), all her Brazilians documents, all her U.S. Legal resident documents (including the Marital certificate). Plus: she had to include on the request, an official documents signed by David Goldman allowing her to request Sean´s Brazilian birth record and also the Brazilian Passport. So, when the Brazilian Consulate schedule a visitation to Sean - and Goldman doesn´t allow them to see Sean -, the Brazilian´s officers are schedulling a visit to a BRAZILIAN Citizen, who´s a minor age.
Registering a child at ANY Consulate, including the Brazilian Consulate isn´t as easy as Goldman and his attourneys want to make you guys think!
Human Rights Chief Minister supports OAB
The foundation, established by friends of the North American David Goldman, Sean's biological father, issued harsh criticism of OAB on their website. Sean Goldman was the subject of dispute since his mother, Bruna Bianchi, brought to Brazil in 2004. Bruna died in 2008 and the Supreme Court granted an injunction to Sean returned to the U.S. to live with her father. An U.S. court (Monmouth Court in New Jersey) has denied requests for visitation issued by the Brazilian grandparents in Feb, 17th, 2011.
Since then, Mr. Raimundo Ribeiro, Sean´s grandpa, passed away in March, 21st, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. And, besides all the desperated requests to Sean´s biological father allow Mr, Raimundo see his grandchild, the Brazilian family never had an answer.
Only after the Brazilian press release the news over Mr. Ribeiro´s death and that the family´s requests were ignored by David Goldman and/or his attourney Patricia Apy, Mr. Ricardo Zamariola, a paulista attourney released a note to the press telling that "David Goldman offerred to Mr. Ribeiro visit Sean in a country near to Brazil, however, the family never answered to this offer."
*IF* Zamariola isn´t doing only his job as attourney (and you may know how attourneys can lie) and let´s assume his statement is truth, it´s still a ridiculous proposition. Mr. Ribeiro was at hospital for the last 40 days, on CTU, breathing by air tubes. How could he leave the CTU and travel even to Buenos Aires (Argentina) to visit his grandson?
Can you imagine that? Any of your relatives, pretty sick at the hospital, suffering of lung cancer in metastasis, having this kind of stupid proposition to visit a child relative? How could you act?
sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011
Soccer is our business!
quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011
Thank you very much, people
I would like to say that you are doing the right thing. Sean needs help, he doesn´t know his grandpa Raimundo passed away (besides, after this sad news on Sean, *I* really think it´s a bless his unawareness of Mr. Raimundo´s death).
If, for some reason you have new photos of Sean (last week, last month, last december) and you don´t know how to send to his family, you can send to ; We´re going to send to his family in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and your identity will be preserved. Also, if you have more news on Sean, you can post on this blog and before being published (if they allow, of course), we are going to send to Sean´s family and, sure, your identity will be equally protected.
Our best regards to the neighbours.
Let Sean Speak Up Team.
terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011
His funeral occurred this afternoon, at 14h, Brasilia time zone, at Caju Cemetery.
Mr. Raimundo, a well known publicist, was married for almost 40 years to Mrs. Silvana Bianchi. The couple had two children: Lucca and Bruna, who died in august, 2008.
Also, the couple is grandparents of two children: Chiara (almost 3 years-old) and Sean, who´s currently 10 years-old and he´s living with his biological dad in USA.
Following UOL news, Sean probably didn´t learn about his grandpa´s death so far; however, Sean´s Brazilian family communicated to his biological father about how bad was Mr. Raimundo´s health conditions and they didn´t get an answer from David Goldman.
Avó de Sean diz que não consegue avisar neto sobre morte do avô
22/03/2011 - 11h02
O avô materno do menino Sean Goldman, Raimundo Carneiro Ribeiro, 65, morreu na noite desta segunda-feira (21) de câncer no pulmão, no hospital Copa D'Or, em Copacabana, zona sul do Rio.
Segundo a família, o americano David Goldman, pai da criança, havia sido avisado há alguns dias de que o avô materno do menino estava muito doente e queria reencontrá-lo, mas não houve retorno.
"Não sei se Sean já sabe ou não da morte dele porque as comunicações são todas bloqueadas. Há um tempo, foram enviados atestados médicos comprovando que o avô dele estava muito doente e só queria ver o neto", afirmou à Folha a avó do menino, Silvana Bianchi.
Ainda de acordo com a família, o corpo de Raimundo será enterrado às 14h desta terça-feira, no cemitério Memorial do Carmo, no Caju, zona portuária do Rio. Além dos netos Sean e Chiara, ele deixa a esposa Silvana e o filho Luca.
"Meu marido faleceu levando com ele uma enorme tristeza de ter sido caluniado e de ter recebido uma sentença tão cruel como foi a de não poder ver o nosso neto", lamentou emocionada Silvana Bianchi.
O advogado de David Goldman no Brasil, Ricardo Zamariola Junior, disse à Folha que tentou falar com seu cliente na manhã desta terça-feira, mas ele não foi localizado. "Acredito que Sean não venha para o enterro por não ter sido avisado a tempo", disse.
A Folha também tentou contato com a advogada americana de David, Patrícia Apy, mas ela não foi localizada.
Goldman´s paulista attourney Ricardo Zamariola Jr. stated to Folha de São Paulo that he tried to reach his clent last morning but got no answer.
Not only Zamariola. He did HIS dirty job and now....