A short time ago, I read that "Brazil was becoming an infamous country" due the alleged cases of "International abduction of children".
I am sorry, my chap Bob, but I can see another reason to say that USA is becoming a more and more infamous country". Do you want to know why?
In your State New Jersey, there´s an airtaxi company called EXCELLAIRE. This company bought a couple of Embraer executive jets (and, my chap Bob, most of Embraer´s equipments, specially on the cockpit are AMERICANS).
Are you going to say "So what?!?", Bob? Yeah, Bob, go ahead and keep readin´ it....Anyway, to make short the story: one of the Executive jets bought by EXCELLAIRE, a shining EMBRAER LEGACY took off from SJC airport in São José dos Campos, State of São Paulo, a couple of passengers, including an ExcellAire representative, an Embraer sales manager and a New York Times alleged journalist called JOE SHARKEY, plus pilot JOSEPH LEPORE and co-pilot JEAN PAUL PALLADINO. In that day, 2006, october 29th, a couple of hours later, flying with the SAFETY anti-collision system TURNED OFF (brand: Honeywell, American), the shining Legacy hitted a commercial aircraft from GOL airlines (Brazilian airlines), that had took off from Manaus Airport an hour and a half before the accident. This "accident" killed 154 people and among them, FIVE children. It was 05:00 P.M., Brasilia time zone.
Is that okay for you, my chap Bob? None of the children are your grandchildren, right? Good for you, terrible for the 154 victims families!On the last 4 1/2 years, all that those victims´ families can do is mourn their children, parents, husbands, wives, friends, uncles, aunts, cousins, cousines. They delivered to GOL airlines their parents alive and kicking, full of joy, hopes, expectations, lives to be lived; ExcellAire gave them back to their families into pieces, desfigured corpses inside caskets.
Ooooooops! Can you figure it out, my chap Bob? If you can´t, try to remember those people falling from WTC building. Believe me, SAME THING. Or worst.At least, your former President got an excuse to blast two countries on Middle East. Down here, the Flight 1907 victims´ families watched Lepore and Palladino arriving in New Jersey being welcome as `heroes´. Heroes of what? They saved their own asses and killed 154 people! Don´t put the blame on Brazilian Justice, my chap Bob!
Put the blame on your Embassy that pushed the Brazilian Justice to give a "Habeas Corpus" to those morons and find the right Brazilian politicians jerks to promote an Air Traffic chaos in the Brazilian airports.
Okay, sweetie, you may not believe on me, but you may believe in the two morons´ words.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoLlkRUcGgcThe following it´s a Brazilian TV show called "Domingo Espetacular" from Rede Record. You may wait until 2:33" to listen to them. First, you´ll have them talking about the FMS flight system.
One of them, says: "
I have to read the book". Would you rely your life on someone that says `I have to read the book´?!? He supposed to have read the Goddamm book BEFORE flying!!!!!
On 02:47", we learn they didn´t know where´s Manaus, their stop before crossing the Caribbean before reaching USA. On 03:10", THE prove: Palladino asks to Lepore if "he wants (the TCAS) on or off". Answer? "
Uhh, you can leave it off... I guess" . Geez!!! Were they pilotting a stove or a last generation executive jet?
...And, so on.
FAA considers that Mo and Larry are "harmless". Mo keeps flying on ExcellAire while Larry is pilotting to AMERICAN AIRLINES. Do you also think they are harmless, my chap Bob? Think better and don´t rely your life and your family´s lives on their nonsense. Demand FAA cancel their licenses!
The Three Stooges were funny because they were 3. Two Stooges can cause lots of troubles, kill people and leave A WHOLE COUNTRY heartbroken. However, Curly is the (wrong) word guy...